// Please respect a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. That means only share and adapt giving a fair credit and do not use for commercial projects. Thank you. @import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Ubuntu') $craneWidth = 260px $craneHeight = $craneWidth / 1.53 $craneBorder = 1px $teal = rgba(68, 192, 166, 1) $purp = rgba(64, 42, 79, 1) $cityColor = tomato #outerCraneContainer position absolute width 100% height 100% bottom 0 overflow hidden display flex justify-content center box-shadow inset 0 -60px 0 -30px $cityColor .buildings height ($craneHeight / 2) width 100% left 0 div height inherit width ($craneHeight / 4) background $cityColor position absolute bottom 10% &:after content '' width 80% height 60% left 10% bottom 30% background url('') repeat position absolute .buildings div:nth-of-type(1) width ($craneHeight / 4) height ($craneHeight / 8) right 37% bottom 18% &:after bottom 11% .buildings div:nth-of-type(2) width ($craneHeight / 3.5) height ($craneHeight / 6) right 30% bottom 35% transform rotate(180deg) &:after width 60% left 11% .buildings div:nth-of-type(3) width ($craneHeight / 7) height ($craneHeight / 4.5) left 40% bottom 35% &:after bottom 0 width 20% height 85% left 70% .buildings div:nth-of-type(4) width ($craneHeight / 2) height ($craneHeight / 8) left 24% bottom 20% &:after background none .buildings div:nth-of-type(5) width ($craneHeight / 2.75) height ($craneHeight / 2.5) left 47% bottom 10% &:after bottom 0 width 40% height 85% left 20% .crane, .buildings position absolute bottom 0 .crane div border-radius 2px position absolute .crane .line border none background $cityColor outline 1px solid transparent z-index 0 .crane .lineOne width 60% left 11% top 0 .crane .lineTwo width 19% right 8% top 0 .crane .line.lineThree height 30% top 22% left 9% &:after content '' position absolute height .2em width 9000% background lighten($cityColor, 20%) display block bottom 0 left -4500% border solid $craneBorder $cityColor .craneTwo .line.lineThree:after height .1em .craneThree .line.lineThree:after height .05em .stand height 100% width 5% right 25% z-index 1 background linear-gradient(to top, $cityColor, desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 30%), 20%)) .craneTwo .stand background linear-gradient(to top, $cityColor, desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 25%), 20%)) .craneThree .stand background linear-gradient(to top, $cityColor, desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 20%), 20%)) .weight height 20% width 8% right 4% top 12% z-index 2 background desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 25%), 10%) .craneTwo .weight background desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 20%), 10%) .craneThree .weight background desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 15%), 10%) .cabin height 9% width 12% right 24% top 20% z-index 2 background desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 25%), 10%) &:after content '' position absolute height 10% width 100% background white display block top 60% left 0 .craneTwo .cabin background desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 20%), 10%) .craneThree .cabin background desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 15%), 10%) .arm height 7% width 100% top 15% z-index 3 background desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 25%), 10%) .craneTwo .arm background desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 20%), 10%) .craneThree .arm background desaturate(lighten($cityColor, 15%), 10%) .crane div.arm border-top-left-radius 10px .brick height 6% width 9% bottom 0 left 40% background lighten($cityColor, 10%) .brickTwo left 48% .brickThree bottom 5.5% left 44% .craneOne width $craneWidth height $craneHeight left 20% div border solid $craneBorder $cityColor .line height $craneBorder .lineThree width $craneBorder .craneTwo width ($craneWidth / 1.3) height ($craneHeight / 1.3) transform scaleX(-1) left 40% z-index -1 div border solid 1px $cityColor .line height ($craneBorder / 1.3) .lineThree width ($craneBorder / 1.4) animation-delay 3s .cabin, .arm, .picker, .weight animation-delay 3s .craneThree width ($craneWidth / 2) height ($craneHeight / 2) left 60% z-index -1 div border solid 1px $cityColor .line height ($craneBorder / 2) .lineThree width ($craneBorder / 2) animation-delay 1.5s .brickThree bottom 5% .brickOne, .brickTwo bottom 0 .cabin, .arm, .picker, .weight animation-delay 1.5s .crane perspective 600px .lineOne transform-origin right 0 animation moveLineOne 12s infinite alternate .lineTwo transform-origin top left animation moveLineTwo 12s infinite alternate .lineThree transform-origin right center animation moveLineThree 12s ease-in-out infinite alternate .cabin, .arm, .picker transform-origin 80% center animation moveCrane 12s infinite alternate .weight transform-origin 0 center animation moveWeight 12s infinite alternate @keyframes moveCrane 0%, 20% transform rotateY(0) 70%, 100% transform rotateY(45deg) @keyframes moveWeight 0%, 20% transform rotateY(0) translateX(0) 70%, 100% transform rotateY(45deg) translateX(-50%) @keyframes moveLineOne 0%, 20% transform rotateY(0) rotateZ(-10deg) 70%, 100% transform rotateY(45deg) rotateZ(-10deg) @keyframes moveLineTwo 0%, 20% transform rotateY(0) rotateZ(29deg) 70%, 100% transform rotateY(15deg) rotateZ(29deg) @keyframes moveLineThree 0% transform translate(0, 0) 20% transform translate(2500%, -18%) 60% transform translate(11000%, -25%) 70% transform translate(9100%, -25%) height 30% 90%, 100% transform translate(9100%, -15%) height 80% html -ms-text-size-adjust 100% -webkit-text-size-adjust 100% -webkit-tap-highlight-color transparent html, body height 100% * box-sizing border-box body background linear-gradient(to top, lighten($cityColor, 40%), hue($cityColor, 40%)) -webkit-font-smoothing antialiased -moz-osx-font-smoothing grayscale text-shadow 1px 1px 1px rgba(0,0,0,0.004) #content height 100% width 100% display flex flex-direction column align-items center justify-content center font-family Ubuntu color white h1, p margin -8rem 0 0 1rem p margin-top .5rem #license position absolute bottom 0 right 5px